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Av Yuhime - 29 januari 2010 23:38

I closed off the world

Turned myself away from everything

Hid myself in the darkness

Scared for every move

The shaddow of the pain remaining

Will I everopen myself to others?

Will my scars and pain ever disapear?

Will the memories of you leave me alone?

Will I ever be able to forget?

Jaha inget spec har hänt idag neh... Bara skolan som var

helt normalt liksom... inget spec med det heller... Jo snackade i syslöjden om att någon skulle till USA efter nian... jag skulle fen inte palla... komma tbx efter ett år och gå om året i gymnasiet... palla mäniska xD haha men w/e they follow thier own life... just stay later one year... jag sticker efter gymnasiet for sure... stanna då utomlands i 3hela år då.. em vet kanske får arbete oxå XD... Either way jag LÄÄNGTAR tills vi slutar... hade Prov i ISLAM idag... gick väl ganska bra... haha... *torr* iaf ganska bra xD either way palla inte skriva mer.. c y'all!


Av Yuhime - 25 januari 2010 19:00

" take this poition, forgetting, leaving, and never return... lets never speak, like there was never you and I, lest leave, lets forget "

Heeeiiyoo! How's y'all! Jah... jag tänkte att tills kinesisk nyår så kommer väl inte så mkt hända... kanske man får lov att träffa Chels och andy? jag hoppas det! either way... Nobu och Shun har övat en hel del dessa dagarna.. jag känner mej helt tom utan min bass xD haha... jag vill jag vill! Jag vill att tiden ska gå gort gort så att jag kan åkaaa till VIETNAM!!! weeeh! haha iaf sp har jag inhte mkt att säga om idag... bara att det var en tråkig och tröttsamt dag... ännu en dag i as-torp helvetet... annars imorgon ska man se selma-gymnasiet... probably will begin there xD hahaha anyways c yah laters~


Av Yuhime - 22 januari 2010 21:43

Heeij folks! hur e dt! min dag var ganska bra faktis.. åkte till mlm för att jag skulle repa med mitt band... Men ja så som jag inte visste så träffade jag Phi och Thomas(Tomas?) i l.a station till mlm! haha kul som kul! vi snackade en hel del.. faktis saknat dem en hel del... Resten av dagen var väl att jobba och repa med bandet... skit kul hade vi :)

And so on the rest of the night time day I stayed home! very very fun! *rolls eyes* it's good to be home i'd say... haha in two weeks i'll go to gbg again? aiish jag vet faktis inte xD vet inte om jag palla... haha mega trött.. and it's about CASH!

Could I call it a dream without you?

Could I call it fantasy without you?

Could I call it happiness without you?

Coul I call myself Lovely without you?

Why does it all seem so dificult without you.

So I suppose I cant have any of those things

Not when you're not here with me,

Not now and never


Av Yuhime - 21 januari 2010 23:53

Hey people! Yuhime here! wow havent been blogging for a while... and I'm sorry cause of that.. well I've been pretty much lazy and busy nowadays.. so forgive my rudeness.. Anyways I hope I can be on more and keep on posting I suppose...

Today was pretty much a good day I guess.. Nothing much happened.. I just talked with my sis Haylie abour a party on the sportholiday.... it's the party on the day before her birthday.. she'll go to the party too and meet my friends.. I hope she'll enjoy the time with them like I always do... Either way when Easterholiday is coming soon! Me and my bad members in Blast will play a concert in Malmö at the weekend... I hope my friends will be there... The vocal: Anna, (vocal) & Bass: Me, Guitarr: Alice & Nobu, Drums: Shun.

I hope my friends will be there!

The mind of me getting lose

Thinking of how to escape

From his pain and this break

I'm suffocating so hard trying to breath

Someone help me help me!

Help me out of this world

Help me from this broken love

// Song By: Blast!!




Av Yuhime - 1 november 2009 17:54

>> ObestämdWhile I was holding on, You where letting goObestämd <<  

Kenny's quote: Tears are words that we cant express

Jay-K's quote: You thaught me how to love, But not how to stop

Johnny's quote: Love is when you shed a tear and still want them

Jaha min dag var helt OK!

The end!

Naehe bara skoja... Jag saknar Chelsea, Leo, Andy och Anthony i skara!!!

Och saknar Nisa & Lina!!!!

Träffade Anh Manh på tåget tillbaka hem...

Det var väl kul!

The end! okey på riktigt nu!

The end!


>> Nellie <<

Av Yuhime - 28 oktober 2009 23:45

Haya Nyaasuu!!!

Well well lets see...

Today was quite a good day i suppose.. Was wandering around in Skara while Chelsea showed me and Haylie around... It was kinda nice... but we didnt go around so much just like... half an hour or so...

I was texting with Shiki, Jimmie and Anh Cuong... so i kinda accidently sometimes sent the wrong message to the wrong person... and thier reactions where all like "huh? what? where'nt we talking bout this" everytime it happened I laughted...

Shiki didnt have such a good day.. and Anh Cuong was busy as usual with work.. Jimmie had a nice day!

I hope Shiki will feel better since he didnt feel that good today!

I suppose me and my 2 lovely angels here Haylie and Chelsea will be up all night!!!

I'll go home from skara on friday!!! *cries* waaah I will miss Chelsea, Andy and Leo sooo much!!!

but oh well we'll meet in a week or so anyways

Haha I hope you guys over there also had a good day *smiles*

Have fun alright c yah peops!!!

>> Nellie <<

Av Yuhime - 28 oktober 2009 17:23

Everytime I fall I wont cry

Whenever I look into your eyes I fall deeply into them

Everytime you smile I fall deeply into thoughts

Everytime you say you love me I fall deeply into drems

But the best way to fall

And the best way I have fallen

Is to fall inlove with you


You gave me a red rose saying you love me

You gave me a blue rose saying you're sorry

You gave me a pink rose saying you like me

You gave me a green rose saying you miss me

You gave me a yellow rose sayin it'll always be uss

The only rose you never gave me was the white rose

When I stood there crying and looking at the memory of you

I layed the white rose infront of your grave and cried

This rose wasnt to say goodbye

This rose was to say I'll always be where even if u're not

By: Nellie Duyen Dinh

>> Nellie <<


Heejheej!! Jao e Yuhime kallas Yume (^ _ ^)Hare så kul på min blogg =] Jag skriver mycket poesi och låtar!!


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